Where is Cefncoedbach?
If you are using a SATNAV for directions our postcode is LD3 9PT, when it says you've arrived at your destination, carry on (ignoring first right hand turn) to END of the road and bear right up to the farm.
When travelling on the A40 from Abergavenny, head for town centre at roundabout on the edge of town. Proceed towards town centre until you reach a mini-roundabout with Brecon Rugby Club
on your left, turn right. Straight ahead at traffic lights, passing Morrisons (on your left).
You will see a signpost for the Cathedral.
Turn right at bottom of the hill and then take your first left at Bull’s Head Hotel, this puts you on the Upper Chapel road. Carry on approximately 2.4 miles into country, then turn left at sign for SARNAU, you will also see our self-catering sign here.
Carry on for another half mile and bear left at second self-catering sign. Travel along the narrow road through wooded area for another half mile, our farm is on the RIGHT at the END of this road.
We look forward to meeting you!